从很小的时候起,妹妹(朱琳 饰)就被父母抛弃成为了孤儿,幸运的是,远在澳大利亚,有一个名叫兰德尔(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)的绅士出手相助,妹妹才能在孤儿院过上衣食无忧的生活。妹妹从未见过她的救命恩人,她对兰德尔的所有了解都局限于后者寄给她的各种各样漂亮的卡片之中,在妹妹的印象里,兰德尔住在一幢大房子里,家庭幸福,富有又善良。...
Frida and Björn have kids, a good apartment and jobs that they are happy for. And yet something is not quite right. Maybe our biology has more to say about our happiness than we assume....
Kafka's strained relationship with domineering father and intriguing affairs with Bauer, Jesenská and Diamant explored, along with meaningful camaraderie with Brod....